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How to Avoid Feeling Depressed

“How to Avoid Feeling Depressed: 6 Tips for Modifying Thinking Patterns to Prevent”

Depression is complicated and even burdensome. Instead of focusing on the things that you can’t control about depression, let’s focus on what you can do to help avoid feeling depressed. Keep reading to explore:

  1. How to Avoid Feeling Depressed.
  2. 6 Tips on How to Modify Thinking Patterns to Prevent or Cope with Depression.
  3. Did You Know?’s 
  4. and much more!

How to Avoid Feeling Depressed

1. Exercise Regularly 

How to Avoid Feeling Depressed

You must have heard everyone hyping up the fitness life and the benefits of exercise. Well, they were onto something. 

Scientists found that regular exercise, or engaging in any sort of physical activity at least 3-4 times a week can have amazing effects on your mood and body! 

So, feeling better both mentally and physically is the best way to prevent and even cope with a low mood. 

Exercise helps release chemicals (like β-endorphin) in your brain that block pain and help you feel blissful. That feeling of bliss or euphoria is scientifically linked to a dramatic improvement in mood!

Seeking professional help in New York City can provide valuable support and guidance for managing depression.

2. Stay Hydrated 

Water plays a huge role in keeping your body functioning. It regulates your body temperature, and blood pressure, cushions your organs and joints and so much more!

But how does it link with depression?

Being even slightly dehydrated may make you feel groggy and upset. This was more evident in women. For men, mild dehydration can make tasks seem more difficult and lower your concentration. This led to increased anxiety. 

Staying hydrated can play a key role in preventing feeling low and overwhelmed. 

3. Have a Good Sleep Routine 

How to Avoid Feeling Depressed

Having a good, non-interrupted sleep is such an important thing when talking about depression! Getting less sleep or having disturbed sleep can be annoying and uncomfortable, but it is a lot more damaging than we might think. 

It is recommended to get anywhere from 7-9 hours of sleep as a healthy adult. You can also improve the quality of your sleep by:

  • Avoiding caffeinated drinks before bed 
  • Finish eating at least 2 hours before bed
  • Exercise or take part in any physical activity
Did You Know?
Scientists have found chronically restricted and disrupted sleep to be a huge risk factor for depression. Not only is it associated with the onset of depression, but research clearly shows that restricted and disrupted sleep is usually present before depression ever starts.

4. Reach Out and Connect 

How to Avoid Feeling Depressed

We all need someone to rely on now and then. 

Reaching out and connecting with the people you love has amazing benefits for your mental health. 

Interestingly, a study showed that being socially connected by being part of groups protects you from depression. And for people experiencing depression, it can help reduce its symptoms. 

So take that chance and regularly connect with your loved ones. Attend social gathering events or even plan something with your friends. It works wonders for your well-being. 

5. Learn to Cope with Stress 

Research repeatedly tells us that chronic stress is a major predictor of depression, It is also consciously avoidable. So what can we do? Here are some tips:

  • Prep Ahead of Time – Let’s face it, we don’t always have the time to pick out our outfits or make a fresh meal from scratch. And that’s okay. Save yourself the hassle and added stress by meal prepping over the weekend. You can even select and get your outfits ready for the weekdays!
  • Learn Deep Breathing – Deep breathing is a known trick to help reduce stress in a pinch. Search for the proper way to deep breathe and practice frequently. Remember, perfecting a craft takes time.

6. Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help

Life can get tough. And sometimes it can get overwhelming, even if you do not experience any mental health condition. Or maybe you just want to improve your relationships and become better at dealing with day-to-day stress. 

Either way, you can always give yourself some grace by reaching out to a mental health professional. 

A counselor or therapist can help you understand your situation better. They can even equip you with different tips and tricks to help with day-to-day stress. Never hesitate to reach out, no matter how small the problem is. 

6 Tips on How to Modify Thinking Patterns to Prevent or Cope with Depression.

How to Avoid Feeling Depressed

Whenever we are overwhelmed by a situation, we tend to think in one way only. In other words, we usually think of the worst. 

Many people tend to always think of the worst. 

Doing this chronically can increase our stress, worsen our mood, and increase our chances of experiencing depression. So how do we break that? We can make a habit of journaling or noting our thoughts on a thought record:

  1. Think About Your Thoughts – Sounds confusing, right? But it is as simple as asking “What is going on in your mind right now?”  Whatever it is, you can write that down somewhere, or a thought record, word-for-word. 
  2. Notice Your Feelings – What are you feeling right now? Anxious? Stressed? Note those sensations and try to put a label on them. Also, try to think about how intense those emotions are. 
  3. Pause and Take a Step Back – It is always important to break that vicious cycle of worry by taking a deep breath. It can help you center yourself and get you ready to think about what to do next. 
  4. Gather Evidence “For and Against” – What makes you think that your thought is more likely to happen? And what makes you think that your thought is unlikely to happen? Think about the “evidence” and note it down. 
  5. Alternative Thoughts – We talked about it before and we usually think of only one ending. But life doesn’t always work out that way. So there have to be some other explanations that you can think of and note down. 
  6. Rethink your Emotions – After all of that work, how do you feel? Do you feel less stressed? Happier? Calmer? You can note that down along with the intensity you feel.


Help yourself fight the feelings of depression by exercising regularly, staying hydrated, and getting good sleep. 

You can also learn stress-coping skills and reach out to loved ones or mental health professionals if things get overwhelming for you. 

Lastly, help yourself make a lasting difference by changing the way you think and being more accepting. 

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